Whether you have a service such as PAT Testing or Fixed Installation Testing in mind, or you’d like to talk to us about the broad range of services we offer, please contact our national service team or one of our regionally-based operations.
Cheltenham – Head Office
T: 0844 335 6573
E: info@calbarrie.com
T: 02380 815311
M: 07737 729690
E: bournemouth@calbarrie.com
T: 01638 555150
M: 07861 370201
E: cambridge@calbarrie.com
T: 01270 524871
M: 07793 098884
E: david.hale@calbarrie-cheshire.co.uk
Devon & Cornwall
E: sales@calbarrie-devon-cornwall.co.uk
W: calbarrie.com/calbarrie-devon-cornwall
M: 07535 902934
E: eastbourne@calbarrie.com
T: 0800 141 2203
M: 07711 233765
E: glasgow@calbarrie.com
W: calbarrie.com/calbarrie-glasgow
West Sussex
T: 01428 658100
M: 07787 550478
E: westsussex@calbarrie.com